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Orthodontic FAQs
Starting orthodontic treatment can seem overwhelming, especially when there are so many new terms and treatments to get a handle on. We’ve broken it down to make it easier for you by answering some of the most commonly asked questions about orthodontics.
FAQs goes below:
What can an orthodontist help me with?
What is a Specialist Orthodontist?
My family dentist says he can treat me, why do I need to see a specialist?
Am I too old for orthodontic treatment?
Why should I try orthodontic treatment?
Can I have Invisalign® treatment?
Is Invisalign® treatment as good as braces?
Do I have to wear Invisalign® clear aligners all the time?
What happens if I lose an aligner?
How much does treatment cost?
Do braces hurt?
I heard about 6 month braces. Can I have those?
Will I need to change my diet for braces treatment?
Will I still need dental checkups during orthodontic treatment?
At what age should my child be seen by an orthodontist?
How long does orthodontic treatment take?
Will I need to miss work or school to come to appointments?
Did we answer your questions?
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